Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG8302
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074083023

versand zwischen 2.August und 2.September
kein Liefertermin bekannt
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CHF 2.90

    We at AMMO by Mig Jimenez love Science Fiction and Fantasy subjects. In our catalog, you will find a wide variety of paints and weathering products especially formulated for your Science Fiction and Fantasy models available in both subject specific sets and individual bottles and jars.    And of course we offer a selection of the best Science Fiction and Fantasy books available, each demonstrating how to paint every type of ship, vehicle, suit, craft, character and figure of this expansive genre.But this is just the beginning, AMMO´s Sci-Fi and Fantasy catalog will continue to grow and create along with you... to infinity and beyond!

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