Set Inhalt: AMIG1407 ENAMEL EFFECTS ENGINE GRIME (35 mL) - siehe auch Chemikaliendeklaration AMIG1408 ENAMEL EFFECTS FRESH ENGINE OIL (35 mL) - siehe auch Chemikaliendeklaration AMIG1005 ENAMEL WASHES DARK BROWN WASH FOR GREEN VEHICLES (35 mL) - siehe auch Chemikaliendeklaration AMIG3001 Pigmente BLACK (35 mL) AMIG3014 Pigmente RUSSIAN EARTH (35 mL)
Whether it is an automobile, tractor, or any other civilian subject, this is the perfect set for weathering civilian engines. With both grease and oil enamels, dark brown wash, and 2 essential pigments, you will be able to create the most realistic engines, fuel tanks, and dirty mechanical surfaces. This set contains: A.MIG-1407 Engine Grime. A.MIG-1408 Fresh Engine Oil. A.MIG-1005 Dark Brown Wash for Green Vehicles. A.MIG-3001 Black Pigment. A.MIG-3014 Russian Earth Pigments.