Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG7420
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074074205

versand zwischen 21.August und 20.September
kein Liefertermin bekannt
CHF 12.-

Set Inhalt:
AMIG1408 ENAMEL EFFECTS FRESH ENGINE OIL (35 mL) - siehe auch Chemikaliendeklaration
AMIG3001 Pigmente BLACK (35 mL)
AMIG3008 Pigmente TRACK RUST (35 mL)
Weathering aircrafts set. With this set you can add life easily to an engine and exhaust of your airplane, creating the effects of spilled fuel, little touches of rust, and general maintenance spills. The set includes an enamel product to paint spilled fuel (A.MIG-1408 FRESH ENGINE OIL) and two pigments perfect to rust and blacken exhaust and other areas of the aircraft (A.MIG-3001 BLACK y A.MIG-3008 TRACK RUST)

Produkt in den Warenkorb gelegt.

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