Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG7158
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074071587

versand zwischen 2.August und 2.September
kein Liefertermin bekannt
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CHF 16.-

Set Inhalt:
AMIG0189 Metal Acryl Farbe METALLIC ORANGE (17 mL)
AMIG0188 Metal Acryl Farbe METALLIC RED (17 mL)
AMIG0199 Metal Acryl Farbe COPPER (17 mL)
AMIG0196 Metal Acryl Farbe WARHEAD METALLIC BLUE (17 mL)
AMIG0197 Metal Acryl Farbe BRASS (17 mL)
AMIG0191 Metal Acryl Farbe STEEL (17 mL)
Metallic color set especially designed for Sci-Fi subjects, civilian vehicles, and Mechas. Three colors for red Mechas included: Metallic Orange, Metallic Red, and Copper. Also included are Metallic Blue, Brass and Steel colors for the internal skeleton and joints. 17ml jar. Water soluble, odorless, and non-toxic. Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator to facilitate mixing, shake well before each use. We recommend A.MIG-2000 Acrylic Thinner for proper thinning. Dries completely within 24 hours. Included colors: A.MIG-0189 METALLIC ORANGE. A.MIG-0188 METALLIC RED. A.MIG-0199 COPPER. A.MIG-0196 WARHEAD METALLIC BLUE. A.MIG-0197 BRASS. A.MIG-0191 STEEL.

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